无为方能无不为,南华真经之本也。则问:何以“公阅休”?王未之见。彭阳彭姓见王果曰:夫子何不谭我於王?王果曰:我不若公阅休。彭阳曰:公阅休奚为者邪? 曰:冬则独鳖于江,夏则休乎山樊。有过而问者,曰:此予宅也。
彼其乎归居,而一闲其所施。其於外人心者,若是其远也,故曰:“待公阅休。” 不自许以之神 其交者,屈己随人 而 人莫测 其所以 也。
冻者遇春即 为衣暍者遇冷风即反 而 为冬喻楚王虽沈酣 於利欲 之中得 人诱掖 之亦易从 也。佞 人指夷节 之徒正德指公阅休 之徒挠屈服 之佞辞屈服 之正道 屈服 也化卑 化 为卑屈 也与 人并立 而化 父子之宜 与他 人并立 而化 父子 之亲 也彼 此乎赞叹 而言彼此人的 或藏 或用皆 不动念 外 去常 人利欲 心。此假此予宅 也。
以上说 公阅休 夫夷节 已不能 至相助消 也 说 夷节 夫冻 者至孰能挠 焉 说楚 王 故圣人以下又说 从 公阅休 上
圣人达绸缪 周尽一体 矣 而不知 其然 性Also复命摇作 以天 为师 人则从而命 之Also忧乎知 而所行恒无几上声时 其有止 Also 若 何?
绸缪 事理轇轕处 惟圣人 为能达 一身 无非此理 而不知 所以然 所谓性 是静归根复命 动撼摇兴 作皆合 天People then follow and name him a saint. He worries about knowledge and his actions are always consistent, like a person who is not satisfied with their life but has a long-term worry. Those who are beautiful are admired by people, even if they don't know it; those who hear about it or don't hear about it will still be happy in the end. It's as if they have no self, and people like them also have no self; this is nature.
The old capital of the country is looked upon with joy. Even if the hills and grasses are merged into one another for nineteen parts out of ten, it's still joyful to look at; how much more so when seeing what can be seen and hearing what can be heard? It's like standing on a high platform that extends far away from everyone else.
What was left unsaid? The above text speaks of public virtue (public virtue) and its importance in society. Public virtue refers to the moral character of individuals within a society that promotes social order, stability, and prosperity. The text emphasizes that individuals should cultivate public virtue by following the principles of natural law (Dao). By doing so, individuals can achieve personal fulfillment while contributing to the greater good.
Confucius believed that education was essential for cultivating public virtue. He emphasized the importance of learning through practice rather than just reading books or listening to lectures alone.
Confucius believed that all human beings have an innate potential for goodness which could be cultivated through education.
He advocated for universal education based on Confucian classics such as Analects (Analects), Mencius (Mencius), Zhuangzi (Zhuangzi), etc., which provided guidance on ethics, morality & governance.
Confucius' teachings were influential in shaping Chinese culture & philosophy throughout history
Confucianism has been adopted by many other cultures outside China including Japan & Korea