
很长一段时间前,在某个重要时刻,一位信士阿姨问我:“小道长,你为什么要当道士啊?”我也不知道哪里来的倔脾气,听到这个问题后的第一反应竟然是觉得这位阿姨似乎在质疑我的选择。于是我带着些微的愠气回答说:“为了学东西啊!” “学什么?”对方又问。我说:“学经书。比如《道德经》,比如《易经》。”此时的我,几乎已经完全相信我说出口的这几部经典是她根本就没有听过、读过的内容。(当然,这只是我的主观臆断)


I was taken aback by her question, and for a moment, I couldn't think of an answer. It wasn't that I didn't know why I had become a Daoist; it was just that the reasons were not as simple or straightforward as she might have expected.

As we continued to discuss this topic, my friend began to reveal her own understanding of the Daoist tradition. She explained that while she had always been fascinated by the stories of immortals and sages in Chinese folklore, what really drew her to Daoism was its emphasis on cultivating one's inner nature (xìng) and aligning oneself with the natural order (zì rán).

My friend pointed out that many people who are drawn to Daoism are initially attracted by its exotic imagery and mystical teachings. However, upon closer examination, they discover that these superficial aspects only scratch the surface of a much deeper spiritual practice.

In our conversation about why I became a Daoist monk, my friend revealed how she had come to understand the true meaning of "cultivating one's inner nature" through her study of Laozi's teachings. She realized that true fulfillment comes not from external achievements or possessions but from developing self-awareness and living in harmony with others.

The concept is rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy called Taoism which emphasizes living in accordance with nature or "Tao". The Tao is considered as something beyond human control which governs all things within this universe. This idea suggests us should live life naturally without interference rather than trying hard against it.

This concept can be understood better when applied into real life situations especially when dealing with emotions such as anger or fear where people often try very hard against them instead of accepting them as part of their natural state - like water flowing downhill smoothly around rocks without resistance.

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