
答 一. 问:拜斗又称为何? 答:拜斗,亦名「朝元礼斗」,乃道教消灾解厄、祈福延寿之独特仪式。 二. 问:拜斗源于哪一派? 答:拜斗是道教独有传统,其他宗教中无此科仪,如佛家不行拜斗,道家则不放焰口。 三. 问:拜斗的历史渊源如何? 答:古已有之,始创於汉张道陵天师,他从太上老君得北斗经中的「北斗延生秘诀」,并在永汉元年正月初七日授予张天师。这一传说揭示了人类对星辰崇敬与宇宙认知的深刻。历史上如霍光和刘备曾分别以礼祭天枢,以求星相保佑。 四. 问:人与星辰之间有什么联系?

答: 人类生命起始于「胎」(第一个月),随后发展至「魂」(第二个月)、「魄」(第三个月),直至出生。此过程被视为受北方玄武神灵铸造之功,因此人们认为死后也将归于北极星,即羽化升真,成为真正的人物。在这个意义上,我们每个人都与自己的本命元辰紧密相关联,这就是参加拜斗来朝圣自己本命元辰的原因,从而使其光彩照耀,并祛除灾难、招来福音,为自己带来平安生活。

五. 问为什么要进行这种仪式?

答: 拜访你的本命座位,不仅能让你的生命更强大,也能避免灾难和病痛,同时能够提升幸福感,让你的人生更加充实。

六. 调查关于“九星”或“七星”的信息。

答: 北方七颗明亮且显眼的恒星被称为“七颗”,而整个北极系统包含9颗恒星,被称为“九颗”。每一颗都代表着不同的力量,每一个都是指引我们前进方向的灯塔。

7. Inquiry about the meaning of celestial instruments within the circle.

Answer: (1) Circle represents the universe, as a round shape symbolizes heaven and earth, so we use circular shapes in our ritual items to represent this concept.

8. Inquiry about when to initiate the practice of worshiping the North Star.

Answer: There are several significant times for initiating this practice:

On days when your personal star deity is born or celebrated

During important ceremonies like "Zai Zhen" or "Qi Yuan"

Every month on new moon and full moon days

Around September, which is considered a special time for honoring star deities

9. Inquiry about how to conduct the ceremony of worshiping the North Star.

Answer: The ceremony is highly sacred and involves complex rituals that require guidance from experienced practitioners.

10. Inquiry about how one can participate in this practice.

Answer: To join, you must first provide information such as your name and birth date to register with the hosting temple or shrine, ensuring proper preparation for participation in rituals during these events by bathing before attending ceremonies filled with flowers and fruits at temples while maintaining good moral behavior through actions that contribute positively towards society's growth.

In essence, practicing faith leads us closer to understanding ourselves better through our connection with stars above; it encourages positive change within ourselves while seeking blessings from divine powers guiding us throughout life journeys!