





门前设下迷宫,新郎需要找到正确的路径才能找到door 的出口。

门前摆放一堆同样形状的红包,新郎需要找到其中一个红包里有door 锁钥匙。

在door 上挂满彩带,newlywed 需要找到特定顺序解开彩带才能open the door.

door 前摆放许多相同颜色的气球, newlywed 需要找出其中一个气球上写着“open the door”的字样.

door 口摆放许多数字lock, newlywed 需要按照正确密码组合来opendoor.

door 前铺满各种障碍物,如绳网、气球堆等, newlywed 需要克服这些障碍才能opendoor.

10.door 上贴满各种谐音字, newlywed 需要快速找出与newlybride名字谐音字才可opendoor.


拦門環節是婚禮中一個非常有趣的一部分,是为了考驗newlywed 的聰明才智和幽默感。在這個環節中,有許多問題會被提出來測試他們:

1."Who is the '掌勺大厨' in your family?" Newlyweds need to answer correctly who cooks meals for their family.

2."What are three good qualities and one flaw of your bride?" Newlyweds need to be clever and give a humorous answer that shows their understanding of each other.

3."If you two were a song, which song would you choose to represent your love story?" Newlyweds need to give an imaginative and vivid answer.

4."Recite an oath for your bride." Newlyweds need to express their commitment and love sincerely.

5."Describe your ideal future life together." Newlyweds should show their plans and dreams for the future.

6"If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?" The groom needs to give a thought-provoking suggestion.

7.Tell an interesting joke or anecdote related to his bride's past behavior or experience with her as a person she likes humorously.The groom needs tell funny stories about them together with laughter from others while sharing memories during wedding ceremony in order not only entertain but also create happy atmosphere among guests at this important moment when they are exchanging vows before God witnesses all these moments shared by couple getting married today so let us raise our glasses high up towards sky now say cheers!

The following are some common phrases used when asking for red envelopes:

1.“Open up new beginnings requires some 'opening money', hope everyone can bless them with support.”

2.”Newly weds will soon enter into new life stage; wish it stable solid so we intercept here hoping people can generously donate money.”

3.”Helping grooms complete tasks while opening doors simultaneously also hopes people’s blessings on their marriage journey.”

4.”Intercepting grooms means verifying friends’ support of love happiness too; hoping people can offer generous gifts making wedding day even more memorable."

5.”In this special moment red envelope represents wishes plus helping hand supporting couples through transition phase hope everyone supports them well enough giving big hug!"

6.New brides & Groom: “Blessings come first then gift cards help celebrate union; wishing best fortune may follow after we celebrate this occasion!”

7.Groom says: "As close friends/family members I leave my memory here; expect same kindness return later!"

8.New brides & Groom: "Red envelope symbolizes traditional blessing way forward; expecting great success coming soon from our side!"
