




笔者认为这种独特行为是在古代母系社会基础上的奇异独特形式,它是在两者相互依存,一体化的一种特殊 婚姻形式。“超喵 若麥喵 卓”关系有性无 婚,而正式结交则有 婚无性,或说有 婚 少 性。通过当时普查时留下的第一手资料以及笔者的长期调查收集资料,以及一些专家公开发表文章,本文将详细介绍这两种历史悠久但已较少见到的传统民间实践:cP3 彝族人网(彝人网)- 彝族文化网络博物馆

(一)关于"Super Girl" (Super Girl) Relationship.

This relationship is based on love and has no restrictions on marriage. It is a form of "walking marriage" where the man visits the woman's home to sleep in her bed. This practice is common among young people who have not yet married.

The characteristics of this relationship are that it does not recognize formal marriage between the two parties, but it is socially accepted and does not violate local customs. The two partners call each other "Super Girl" or "Super Boy." They do not have a joint economic life, nor do they establish families together. Their relationship is achieved through visiting each other's homes or sleeping outdoors.

According to local tradition, girls are considered adults at around age 11 or 12 and can start dating. Parents will build a small room near their house for their daughter to live in called a "sleeping room" or "girl's room." Even after getting married, women often return to their parents' home for years before moving into their husband's home, still living in a small sleeping room there.

Whether at her parents' home or her husband's home, she always lives in the same small sleeping room without changing her address until she becomes pregnant with children. This unique cultural practice reflects the traditional values of independence and self-sufficiency among women within these communities.cP3 彝族人网(彜个人网)- 彜族文化网络博物馆